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Household Plastics

The modern household is always on the lookout for innovative, long lasting, storage solutions and increasingly more consumers are replacing old cardboard boxes and temporary storage with plastic equivalents including buckets, tubs, containers, food containers, bins and laundry baskets.  Seasonal plastics such as snow shovels and sledges have offered a significant short-term revenue stream for many garden retailers over the past few harsh winters. As well as home storage, household plastics are also handy on-the-go, especially tupperware, which is always popular.

Seasonal winter plastics, such as snow shovels and sledges, have offered a significant short-term revenue stream for many garden retailers over the past few harsh winters. When snow begins to fall, retailers see a flurry of sales, so it’s always handy to have stock waiting for the moment that snow starts.

As one of the UK's biggest non-food wholesalers, we carry a wide range of wholesale homewares for all types of independent retailers and tradespeople. Pop into your local Stax wholesale cash and carry branch today to discover all the wholesale household plastics you need for less.