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IMPORTANT SAFETY ALERT: PRODUCT SAFETY REPAIR Kitchen Plus Gas hob KP60. Click here for details

Curtain Fittings & Accessories

Harrison Drape End Stop

Harrison Drape End Stop White, Pack of 2

SupaDec Brass Cafe Rod

SupaDec Brass Cafe Rod (Choice of 3)

SupaDec Net Rod

SupaDec Net Rod (Choice of 5)

SupaDec Tension Rod

SupaDec Tension Rod (Choice of 4)

Swish Curtain Hooks

Swish Curtain Hooks (Choice of 2)

Swish Deluxe Brackets

Swish Deluxe Brackets White, Pack of 5

Swish Deluxe End Stops

Swish Deluxe End Stops White, Pack of 2

Swish Deluxe Gliders

Swish Deluxe Gliders White, Pack of 10

Swish Sologlyde Brackets

Swish Sologlyde Brackets White, Pack of 5